DEMO 0.1.1 is Released!!
- add skill action 加入使用技能的動作!
- new UI system! 新的UI系統!
- new esc Menu 新的ESC選單
- you can change display resolution now!(in Option) 你可以在選項中更改解析度了!
- add some BackGroundMusics and sound effects 加入一些背景音和效果音!
- add [crafing] tutorial (video) 加入如何製作的教學影片
- add some new items 加入一些新的物品
- boss will throw gift now! be careful 王線在會丟禮物給你,小心點
- new system: When you are picking up items,using window,crafting something,you wont attack anymore! 新的系統:當你在撿取物品,製作東西,或者是使用視窗時......角色不會在攻擊了
- and MORE! 還有更多瑣碎的東西!!
DEMO 0.0.16 is Released!!
- change enemy AI (walking more radomly)!! 修正敵人的AI(現在變為比較隨機的行走,不像之前有規定路線~)
- add a new area-Desert (but nothing at all...) 新增沙漠地區(不過目前什麼都沒有.....規畫為正式版的區域)
DEMO 0.0.15 is Released!!
- fix you can't use screwdriver in hotkey!(BUG) 修正你無法再快捷鍵使用螺絲起子(BUG)!
- Now,when your health is rising you can see the healing vaule! 現在你的血量上升時會跑出回血的數值!
DEMO 0.0.14 is Released!!
- add screwdriver(item) ! 新增螺絲起子(物品)!
- now you can craft screwdriver in
!! 現在你可以在<生存>的項目中製造螺絲起子! - now you can use screwdriver to remove things(sapling,water filter,campfire,chest,healing flower seed) 現在你可以用螺絲起子來移除物品(箱子,濾水器,回復花種子,營火,樹苗)!!
- the background will turn smoothly when you get in cave 在進入洞窟時背景變換會更順暢!!
- water filter can't be put to the place that is not water!(BUG) 修正濾水器能放在水以外的地方
- when your hungry and thirsty is higher than 80 you can get 10% maxhealth healing now!! 現在當你的飢餓值跟口渴值都在80以上時會獲得最大生命10%的治療效果!
- when your thirsty is 0 you will be dead soon! 當你的口渴值歸0時,你會馬上死掉!
- when your thirsty is lower than 30 you will get 33% maxhealth damage now!! 現在當你的口渴小於30時你會獲得33%最大生命的傷害!
- when your hungry is 0 you will get 20% maxhealth damage now!! 當你的飢餓值等於0時會獲得最大生命20%的傷害!!
DEMO 0.0.13 is Released!!
- add basic attack cooldown bar! 新增基本攻擊的冷卻條!!
- the last(fourth) character power can reduce basic attack cooldown and skill cooldown now!! 現在在能力表的最後一個能力能減少基本攻擊和技能的冷卻時間!
- fix AttackCoolDown number exceed status window(BUG) 修正在狀態表的AttackCoolDown(基本攻擊冷卻時間)會超出狀態表!(BUG)
- the status window can see CoolDownReduction now! 現在在狀態表能看到技能冷確時間減免的數值了!
DEMO 0.0.12 is Released!!
- add an new easter egg! 增加1個新的彩蛋!
- the hp of pig is change from 500 to 200! 豬的血量從500降低到200!
- the hp of thief is change from 800 to 600! 小偷的血量從800降低到600!
- the hp of boss(fake santa) is change from 5000 to 4000! 王(假的聖誕阿伯)的血量從5000降低到4000!
- the hp of spider is change from 400 to 300! 蜘蛛的血量從400降低到300!
- in the Menu you can click the button or move the character to attack the button now! 在選單的時候,你可以移動角色來去敲擊按鈕,或是你現在可以直接點擊他們!
DEMO 0.0.11 is Released!!
- fixed some bugs 修正一些bugs
- change the way you hit tree,now you need to do 10hits to cut down the tree! is no longer eating player's dmage!改變樹的受傷方式,現在你要打樹10下樹才會倒!不再是吃玩家的傷害!
- Strike of Flash can do hits on tree now! Strike of Flash現在可以打到樹了!
- add 10% chance to drop apple when the tree fall! 當樹倒下時,有10%的機率會掉落蘋果!